Būkite tas pokytis,
kurį norite matyti pasaulyje.

M. Gandhi


I am passionate about guiding people to self-discovery and empowerment. By fostering a warm and empathetic approach, together we create a safe space to explore your thoughts, emotions and aspirations.

I had my bachelor's and master's studies in the United Kingdom, continued studies in Lithuania, at the Institute of Individual Psychology. and continuous continuing education strengthen my dynamic approach to the client. I am constantly continuing my education, which strengthens my dynamic approach to the client.

I believe in the transformative power of therapy. My therapeutic style combines evidence-based and psychodynamic methods with a personal, holistic approach to mind, body and spirit. I aim to help people overcome challenges, build resilience and unlock their inner potential for growth and change.


Individual therapy
Group meetings
Business training

Personalized mental health treatment, addressing unique needs through setting goals, processing the past and learning to manage symptoms for a healthier life in one-on-one setting.

Designed to promote emotional support and growth through sharing experiences with others.

Individually tailored to the need of the team to increase efficiency and reduce stress.

Get in touch

Our office

Raitininkų st. 2, Vilnius

Monday - Friday
9am - 9pm

+370 684 84662


Individuali terapija man padėjo susidoroti su depresija ir nerimu. Dėkoju!

Nuo to laiko, kai pradėjau lankytis grupiniuose susitikimuose, mano savivertė smarkiai pagerėjo.

Verslo mokymai buvo labai naudingi, per juos išmokau efektyviau valdyti savo darbo dienas.

Individuali terapija man padėjo suvokti ir išspręsti ilgalaikes emocines problemas.

Apie mane

Esu psichoterapeutė, specializuojusi įvairių emocinių sutrikimų gydymą. Savo klientams siūlau individualią terapiją, grupinius susitikimus ir mokymus verslams.

Susisiek su manim

Jeigu turite klausimų ar norite pasikonsultuoti, nedvejokite susisiekti su manimi.


+370 684 84662
